Saturday, February 25, 2012

What smartphone and calendar/address book/task manager desktop software is a good alternative to Palm?

I want to switch from a PDA to a smartphone. I currently have the Palm TX and feel it's time to combine cell phone with PDA. I'm ruling out Palm, Apple and Microsoft smartphones and MS Outlook (I would prefer to use a Palm Desktop equivalent).

So my question is: Excluding Palm, Apple and Microsoft solutions, what smartphones and calendar/address book/task manager desktop software are good alternatives to the Palm TX and Palm Desktop?What smartphone and calendar/address book/task manager desktop software is a good alternative to Palm?
I don't think your going to have many options with the restrictions that you have placed. Most of the devices that I have looked at you will be using if you want a desktop based option.

I would give the Palm Treo's a second look. If you stick to a PalmOS based Treo you won't have any learning curve to learn to use it, and they use Palm Desktop. I don't know who your cellular provider is, but the Centro (Sprint) looks very nice, and the Treo 680 is also a very nice smartphone, although some people add an extended battery.

I have a Treo 650, and would purchase another one. The only gripe I have about the palm phone don't get high speed internet access, but this is a limitation of the OS, not the device itself.

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