Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What is the best translation dictionary (English - Spanish) for a Smartphone?

I need an English Spanish dictionary for my smartphone. It'd be good to have 'flash cards' and sound.

Also, good to be able to change translation direction without loosing the word I've started entering as I'm always enetering the wrong direction.

Best of all would be verb conjugation but I haven't seen any that do that :-(

I'd really like opinions from people who have actually used them ...What is the best translation dictionary (English - Spanish) for a Smartphone?
I've got an Italian-English dictionary on my Nokia 95 8GB and I'm very happy with it. It's the Oxford University Press Concise Paravia by MSDict. I'm pretty sure there's a Spanish equivalent.

It doesn't have flash cards or sound but it does allow you to change direction while retaining what you have already input. It doesn't do conjudgation but does show unusual verb forms. It's really a very comprehensive dictionary and I find it easy to use and very useful when reading in Italian

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